IT Outsourcing Singapore Accelerates Tech Adoption for SMEs
Technological adoptions serve as prerequisites should today’s companies wishing to thrive and win competitions. One such firm is Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which, despite the scales, are open for tapping into business opportunities with IT talent provision by IT outsourcing Singapore schemes.
Despite the name of the country, companies under IT outsourcing Singapore schemes offer services across worldwide. PT Triple One Global Indonesia (PT TOGI) is among those that engages in the schemes with potential clients spreading all over the world.
In the outsourcing services, clients will receive full package of services including top IT candidates with qualified technical skills as required. Soft skills are considered, too, as essential factors that will contribute much for the compatibility between the IT candidates and the company they’re going to work at.
The IT outsourcing Singapore company will manage salary negotiations even the onboarding processes. As a client, your company will simply have to confirm on the recommended candidates’ competencies before eventually hiring them.
How IT outsourcing Singapore firm will assist SMEs
SMEs are mushrooming across the global, including in Indonesia. Digital economy has inspired many to start opening businesses without requiring big capital amount to rent an office.
The Internet has paved the ways for embracing potential clients or consumers as far as the innovation can reach out. While the physical space is no longer a big problem, IT talent capability is. Regardless the scale and business line, an IT competency is necessary to accelerate the business growth while securing the internal IT system.
An IT outsourcing Singapore, such as TOGI, understands well what will be required from an IT candidate for the business type and scale. A series of interviews will take place to determine the business needs and goals. When that is completed, we will assess technological requirements to speed up the business development and what IT roles that will fill them.
For example, if an SME company wishes to build an IT infrastructure from the scratch, we will suggest several IT candidates that will materialize the purpose. If the company focuses on building an application or a commercial website, we will propose some developers for creating the platforms. Among the roles include frontend developer, back-end developer and mobile developer.
A business analyst will help in connecting business and IT to help the business growth. In short, the offers will depend on the firm’s goals for the long run or short term.
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Benefits of partnering with TOGI
1. Cutting time and energy
At the initial stages, an SME company will require a handful of multitalented employees that will be able to manage all jobs, including recruiting new IT talents. Sometimes, when the firm doesn’t work in IT sector as the core business, the task may drain energy, and definitely, time. The HR staff have to sort and assess many resumes and CVs then interview all of the candidates one by one. Despite so, the candidates may not meet all of the qualifications.
With more than 100,000 IT candidates in our database, recommending the top ones is within our competency. We work based on the procedures that are proven to have resulted in top IT candidates already hired by large companies in Indonesia.
We are accustomed to work quickly to meet deadlines set by our clients. With the work ethics and professionalism, you can trust the processing to our company so that you can utilize the time for growing your business.
2. Accelerating digital transformation
Skilled IT talents will drive digital transformation in your company running faster than competitors. They will not only perform their tasks but also contribute ideas that will spur the business developments. Their IT competencies will be used for various business processes. At the same time, their keen eyes on latest technological updates will assist the marketing and the product development teams. The ideas may take in forms of features, software, and business strategies. The valuable insights will put your company ahead through improved customer services that will add the revenue, and finally, the profit.
3. Reinforcing the internal IT team
The IT sector of any businesses have to keep up with the latest IT trends. This requires intensive trainings on hard skill and soft skill. We can provide experienced IT talents that will strengthen the internal IT team. They will teach during the trainings or mentor IT juniors below their supervisions. Besides, they will be involved in the business strategies involving IT innovations. The candidates will formulate technological curriculum that will necessitate for further learning. This role mainly focuses on the future goals but require immediate actions.
Our diverse clients
Working in the sector for more than 10 years, TOGI has worked with various clients across industries and scales. Below are the big classifications:
Read Also: Types of Services from An IT Consultant to Boost Your Business
1. IT sector
Services from IT outsourcing Singapore, such as those from TOGI, will remain necessary for IT companies. The services will typically be needed when the companies or the clients look for best IT talents shortly. The candidates will assist in completing big projects or replace IT staffs that suddenly resign. Another case will be to provide intensive IT trainings to reinforce existing internal IT team.
2. Non-IT sector or general
Our IT talents are available for helping SMEs engaging outside IT field. For example, the candidates will create applications that allow smooth and easy transactions with potential consumers. Another use is for securing and solidifying the internal IT infrastructure thus prevent it from possible hacking in the future.
Please contact our marketing team via this website. We will shortly contact you for further discussions. Your confidential information are always safe with us.
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